Zngly Blog

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What Is It - The Problem​

60% of LinkedIn traffic is from mobile.

Similarly, 60% of emails are opened first on a mobile device. So, how ready are you to capture this in your marketing and sales? ZNGLY is built mobile-first and gives you the confidence that the marketing content and campaigns you create will succeed.

How Does it Work

ZNGLY is mobile-first, meaning every aspect of the consumer journey is covered, whether they are on their desktop or their phone. There's no need to download an app; everything works within the browser.

ZNGLY is AI-driven, and developed for marketing, sales, project teams, business managers, and B2B lead generation. Our tools power the discovery and sharing of content, delivering a greater return on these assets throughout the deal lifecycle.

Whether it’s sharing content with curated playlists or event attendees accessing content through QR codes on their phones, create great content experiences across all devices and venues.

What Are The Pain Points

Your audience's attention span is short. You need short-form content, video edits, and eye-catching GIFs as the gateway to your longer-form insights. This is a “TikTok” generation.

Ensuring your business has adapted to this is crucial for success. If your audience isn’t connecting with the 10-second GIF, they are unlikely to connect with the 10-minute read PDF.

Why is it Important

Content and personalisation are the cornerstones of modern marketing, helping businesses reach their audience with a curated and targeted message. However, it needs to be bite-sized to entice and engage. Mobile-focused content presents opportunities for businesses:

  • Optimising your content for mobile viewing
  • Considering the user journey from mobile to desktop
  • Bundling content—short-form alongside longer pieces

ZNGLY offers a mobile-first platform for content curation and sharing, with powerful analytics to track engagement. Our clients see greater engagement on their sales outbound emails and LinkedIn posts, and everything is tracked in our analytics.

What Are The Benefits

For sales, get your emails noticed more with eye-catching embeds of content bundles, with analytics to make sure you never miss an open, click, or engagement.

Get your marketing campaigns noticed, stop the scroll on LinkedIn and move users through the funnel with short-form content.

And say goodbye to apps for event delegates – just scan a QR code and see all the content – bundled and brought to life in secure personalised microsites, all within the browser.

It’s how ZNGLY revolutionises mobile-focused content:

  • ZNGLY is designed with mobile in mind, optimising all content for mobile viewing.
  • Easy sharing via QR codes, social media, and email embeds, making content easily accessible on mobile.
  • In-depth real-time analytics dashboards to measure what works and what doesn’t.

To Wrap Up

Embracing short-form, mobile-focused content is essential for companies to stay relevant and competitive. ZNGLY solves digital marketing challenges by engaging target audiences efficiently with powerful curation and sharing tools, along with comprehensive analytics.

To Find Out More - Useful Links

To find out more about our ZNGLY platform, visit us over here

Zngly Events Blog Image

At tradeshows, it's challenging to identify and capture potential leads who are genuinely interested in your products or services. Traditional methods like collecting business cards, or scanning QR codes, often leads to a high volume of unqualified leads, making it difficult to follow up effectively.

What Is It - The Problem​

70% of marketers admit they fail to maximize the value of their event content

Maximising your event presence for optimal growth is difficult.

  • Tradeshows and events are expensive in time, money and resources
  • Getting and tracking quality leads is difficult
  • Lots of scanned QR codes and no integration with your CRM
  • With a poor delegate experience at the booth
  • Follow-up is hard and slow

With ZNGLY, we have a solution that is easy to use, and deployed "in-a-click". So your content can work harder for you.

How Does it Work

With our streamlined process, you can quickly create white-labelled, personalised "hubs". These are microsites for event booths you create in minutes. Start capturing leads and engaging attendees immediately.

ZNGLY is versatile and accommodates various types of media content, from YouTube videos to PDFs. These tools let you showcase your content effectively with compelling multimedia resource centers.

All this comes with comprehensive analytics tools that give you deep insights into attendee behaviour and engagement with your content. These analytics are seamlessly integrated into your CRM systems, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, and more.


Why is it Important

Despite the significant resources invested in creating marketing content, a staggering 70% of it goes unused or underutilised. By leveraging ZNGLY, companies can ensure that their event-related content reaches its intended audience and drives meaningful engagement, maximising the value of content and marketing efforts.

In today’s competitive business landscape, events play a crucial role in driving growth and fostering meaningful connections with customers and prospects. To achieve a high ROI from events, companies need to leverage compelling content effectively and draw qualified leads. ZNGLY empowers businesses to create engaging microsites that showcase their content and facilitate meaningful interactions with event attendees

What Are The Pain Points

Engage your audience with your content before, during and after the event.

Our secure, AI powered, white labelled microsites, built in minutes, deliver unique event journeys – fully integrated with your CRM.

  • Stop - Wasting the value of your event data
  • Under utilizing your event and marketing content
  • Having events ‘stand alone’ from your on-line marketing presence

What Are The Benefits

Increase your ROI with a ‘Digital’ Hub… at a fraction of deployment effort, time and money

  • Qualified Leads: Increase the capture of quality tracked leads, direct QR to your CRM (Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho and more)
  • Delegate Engagement: Get more from your marketing content, put your message direct to a visitors’ mobile
  • Stretch The Experience: Dedicated Hub in the countdown, during and post the event. Demos, factsheets, book meetings and more

To Wrap Up

ZNGLY makes content easier to search and manage, giving deeper insights and personalisation into marketing campaigns and content. Because you don’t need to shout when people want to listen.

To Find Out More - Useful Links

To find out more about our ZNGLY platform, visit us over here

zero roi blog image

What Is It - The Problem​

More and more, B2B sales today are consultative. They are part of a dialogue, where you demonstrate deep market knowledge and problem solving. Firms need to catch the eye of their audience, and use several techniques to create content and engagement. From webinars, white paper, podcasts and events - all great content - but expensive and time consuming to produce. And it’s ever more difficult to stand-out and grab their attention.

ZNGLY is an AI Sales & Marketing enablement platform that solves this problem - helping firms maximise the return and opportunity on their content.

In today's business landscape, deals characterised by low volume and high value - mean they need a ‘high touch’ to nurture the lead, from prospect to buyer.

However, significant challenges lie in the fragmentation of content. Despite investing time and resources into creating valuable assets like webinars, videos, and articles, businesses often find that these assets go unutilised.

Statistics reveal a considerable portion of marketing content ends up gathering digital dust, diminishing its potential ROI. ZNGLY provides a platform to manage, deploy, and track your content and campaigns, getting every insight. 80% of all marketing content go unused by Sales, and a staggering 70% of all marketing has zero ROI to the firm!

How Does it Work

Here you can see a selection of our client’s great content, powered by ZNGLY. With ZNGLY, you can bring together content from all around the internet, from all media types, into microsites and personalised marketing campaigns. All of this is tracked with our powerful analytics, integrated with your CRM platform, so you can get the best insights on your content and how it’s performing.


What Are The Pain Points

Current content sharing and management offerings are expensive, time consuming, and deliver a poor user experience. Microsites take weeks to develop - and content gets lost in the mess. Poor data tracking and analytics on who’s looking at your content only makes things worse.

ZNGLY’s ‘Hubs’ enable you to create private and public secure microsites in minutes. Coupled with our powerful “list & link” functionality allows you to organise, personalise, and curate your content from all across the internet - simply by getting its URL.

Whether it’s hosted on YouTube, Spotify, a PDF, or even a recording on Sharepoint. All this is tracked with our analytics, integrated with your CRM software, tracked through emails and microsites.

What Are The Benefits

  • Streamlined Content Management: ZNGLY enables a centralised Hub for managing diverse content assets, giving marketeers and sales teams the tools they need.
  • Optimised Marketing Campaigns: Leveraging ZNGLY's analytics, businesses can fine-tune their marketing strategies and maximise the effectiveness of every campaign.
  • Increased Sales Enablement: With access to relevant content at their fingertips, sales teams can deliver tailored pitches and nurture leads more effectively.

To Wrap Up

ZNGLY makes content easier to search and manage, giving deeper insights and personalisation into marketing campaigns and content. Because you don’t need to shout when people want to listen.

To Find Out More - Useful Links

To find out more about our ZNGLY platform, visit us over here

Target audience, customers outreach. Business goal concept. Digital targeting marketing, sales generation. Tiny people set up advertice on social networks. Modern flat cartoon style. Vector illustration

Zngly No-Code Microsite Builder

Introducing Zngly No-Code Microsite Builder

Let me set the scene. You need to send content to a lead, and build a microsite for your marketing campaign. You need to do more to win more, but personalising for leads takes time and money - from microsites to landing pages, it can take weeks. With ZNGLY, what once took weeks now takes minutes.


What Is It - The Problem

There is power in personalisation, but personalisation is difficult with long and expensive development. McKinsey research found that on average companies can earn up to 40% more revenue from implementing personalisation. There is a clear link on how innovative B2B sales are following the trends and techniques in consumer selling.

Why Is It Important

The advantages of using new technology for personalisation in sales and marketing are proven.

  • Closing deals and build pipeline faster, increasing rep productivity
  • Less time spent on manual processes and more time on people
  • Enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and drive growth

At ZNGLY, we give you the tools to do more and win more.

Introducing NextWave and the Quantexa Hub.

Imagine you're a visitor, wanting to learn about Quantexa and what NextWave can do for you.

On the home page, you can view highlighted content, from all different media types, whether it's an mp4, a pdf, or content hosted on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. You meet the NextWave team of experts, and in a click of a button, connect with them on LinkedIn. See the insights & solutions NextWave can provide you, as well as their client use cases for that extra bit of insight.

Introducing Millennium Consulting and the Millennium Consulting Spotlight Hub.

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of a marketeer, building a microsite for a campaign.

With ZNGLY, microsites can be built in minutes rather than weeks. Giving powerful navigation functionality and flexibility in showing the content you want. Whether you want to show off overviews of your products, functionalities you can provide, news in your industry or updates on your services. All of this is there, using the content you have.

To Wrap Up

The customer experience is a key differentiating factor for businesses in today's competitive market.

To sell more and market better with ZNGLY - contact us any time!

Thank you!

To Find Out More - Useful Links

To find out more about our ZNGLY platform, visit us over here


Zngly Gen AI for the Enterprise

Introducing Zngly  'Conversational' Gen AI

Business is drowning in a sea of content. It’s hard to get heard, get noticed and to engage your audience. You have invested money, time, and the hope of future opportunities, in these media assets supporting your business.

We enable our clients to harness the power of AI and large language models in their sales, marketing, and training - solving their pain points and making their content a strategic asset.

What Is It - The Problem

Our “conversational” AI search applications work on all content types - PDFs, videos, podcasts, demos, blogs and more.

  • Generate synopsis of all content/media you can publish in an email to leads
  • Auto-create LinkedIn posts with direct link back to the content gallery
  • Easy to use "conversational" search for website visitors to explore content

It’s just like having a conversation with your content. Making your insights easier to find, consume, share and act on. Delivering increased customer engagement and greater value from your content.

Why Is It Important

With businesses growing at a rapid pace, content generation is at an all time high.

But legacy methods of storing and retrieving content have a poor user experience. Material is hard to find, difficult to manage, and impossible to index. You can have the best content in the world, but if your visitors can’t find it, then it’s just not working for your business.

How Does It Work

Content in Zngly is managed by an enterprise-wide ‘Catalogue’. Our clients have one place for all their content across their entire media estate – SharePoint, YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify and more. Media is added to the catalogue with our unique “List & Link” functionality, with no moving, copying or duplication of files.

We’ve used Google Vertex AI to develop a range of ML tools and services on the Zngly catalogue and media. This enables our customers to deploy and harness AI in their content management automatically for use in marketing, sales, training and project management - securely, seamlessly and at scale.

What are the benefits

For Marketing: Unlock the total value contained within your content. Make it easier for your prospects to search for insights, to interact with your content in a conversational way. Drive greater engagement and conversion.

For Sales: Generate synopsis and snippets of your product and services offerings that you can use in the sales cycle, and follow-up emails, LinkedIn messaging and blog posts. Create a tailored playlist of content for your leads.

For Training: Have all your training material available using our smart search function. Your clients interact with your content in a ‘self-service’ way, to find knowledge at their own pace, using conversational expressions personal to them, and specialist expressions and terms specific to their industry. Across all media types, PDFs, videos, podcasts and more.

To Wrap Up

Zngly Gen AI makes content easier to search and manage, giving clients a deeper insight into what they are given and how it is given to them.

To Find Out More - Useful Links

To find out more about our ZNGLY platform, visit us over here

Is Your Data

Find Your Sales Deals In Your Data

Welcome to our special report on HubSpot integrations.

Marketing teams are frustrated. Sales are not getting the leads. The data is misleading at best. There is so much noise you can't find the signal. We can fix this.

Welcome to ZNGLY Campaign Manager. We help our clients get greater value from HubSpot, with an accurate view of buyer engagement and content performance. Helping them create campaigns to generate more leads, and nurture more sales.

What Is It - The Problem

B2B Sales & Marketing is more complex than ever before. In a digital age, sales & marketing teams are drowning in unused assets and fractured data. 

B2B Sales & Marketing is more complex than ever before. In a digital age, sales & marketing teams are drowning in unused assets and fractured data. 

The numbers do not make pretty reading: 

  • 20% - Average open rate of newsletters (staggering 80% remain unopened)
  • 60-70% -  of marketing content is unused by sales teams
  • 60% - of all marketing content provides zero business value

Clearly the system is broken and needs to be transformed.  

That’s where ZNGLY and our powerful suite of analytics tools - Zngalytics - combined with "Campaign Manager" our HubSpot integration comes in.

Our platform gives a layer of extra insight, support and tools to your HubSpot implementation that you cannot get anywhere else: 

  • Quick demand gen and lead nurture campaign design
  • Slick content curation and personalisation tools
  • Rich customer engagement analytics

So you can easily manage your contacts, automate lead generation, and track MQL, SQL and buyer behaviour.  Know what’s working, what’s not, and make informed decisions. Everytime.

Why Is It Important

To survive, let alone grow, your business needs sales. Sales needs marketing and marketing needs to perform. And for marketing to perform it needs the data. 

A proper content strategy in B2B is part of the foundation of every marketing plan. Content marketing allows you to build authority, trust, and credibility. It helps your potential customers and makes them understand your products or services.
 And it all starts with the data, the insights and the planning. Without the data to back-up and guide your campaigns, it's just a hunch. 

Let's not do hunches!

How Does It Work

With ZNGLY "Campaign Manager", you have the ability to take HubSpot and bridge the gaps between content, campaigns and customers. Calibrate and construct campaigns that will work, remove the uncertainty and guess work. 

So you can share relevant content with your buyers easily, for greater lead engagement and increased sales. 

We take your contacts from HubSpot in real-time and integrate it with our analytics dashboards to create intuitive activity monitoring tools. These tools let you identify where you have traction and feed it into a marketing and sales workflow plan. 

ZNGLY handles all of the tricky stuff - publishing, organising, and tracking. 

Sales and marketing teams can easily use your content and put it into action!

What are the benefits

Let the numbers do the talking. On average our ZNGLY clients see an immediate return:

  • Marketing: Use 30% less resources creating campaigns 
  • Sales: Increase their customer engagement scale and outreach by 20%
  • Analytics: Reduce MIS and reporting production time by 75%

And this ROI is on-going, and only increases with further usage. What previously took days now takes minutes.

To Wrap Up

Data is the key - without an accurate view of what's happening, how do you know what to do next?

ZNGLY's integrations serve as a boon to any business for tracking and analysing their buyer data. Enable your business to make the right decision. Whether you’re marketing, pre-sales, or sales, you can benefit from the smart integrations with ZNGALYTICS.

To Find Out More - Useful Links

To find out more about our ZNGLY platform, visit us over here

Learning Shouldn't

How Training Transforms Business

Welcome to our special report on AI content for training and tutorials

Are you drowning in old PDFs, user manuals and training guides? Are you using stale videos and webinars for training? There is another way.

In today's fast-paced business and technology landscape, making sure your customers are getting the most from your offering and product is crucial for business growth and retention. ZNGLY offers the ability to create concise and curated learning centres, so you can efficiently onboard and train anyone, and they learn in a self-service manner. 

ZNGLY enables our customers to harness AI-generated content. AI content is high quality, and quick to develop, letting them easily create training and tutorial content to support new updates and feature roll-outs. 

In this blog, we will be showcasing how you can utilise AI content and learning centres to empower your business’ training growth, with a special review of our very own ZNGLY Academy. 

Let’s dive in.

What Is It - An Overview

With AI, you can bring your existing material to life, and create how-to-guides, application demos, explainer videos, and more, with professional-grade production, and minimal financial and time investment.

With AI, you can bring your existing material to life, and create how-to-guides, application demos, explainer videos, and more, with professional-grade production, and minimal financial and time investment.

At ZNGLY, we have created a whole learning platform - the ZNGLY Academy - that houses both our ZNGLY Training & Onboarding Centre, alongside our Masterclass tutorials in Sales, Marketing and Emerging Technologies. It also has links to our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program Tech Gateway, and Big Boost Mondays. 

Having a dedicated centre has enabled us to host all of this content on a consistent and easy-to-navigate platform, so visitors can self-learn, and discover at their own pace. We can curate and share this content in a bespoke, on-demand, and modular fashion. Users can also see the material in the context of the broader industry.

Organising training and tutorial content has never been easier.

Why Is It Important

According to The American Society for Development and Training from 2022, companies that invest in employee training have 24% higher profit margins. Enabling your company to efficiently train employees, and customers, is crucial to improving the efficiency and growth of your business, and retention of customers. 

ZNGLY platform is ‘on-demand’ with user-driven journeys, designed to enable people to train at their own pace and on their terms. 

On-demand and self-service knowledge acquisition like this has become an immensely powerful tool, being able to present the knowledge for users to access when they need it is a game changer for business.

How Does It Work

The creation

AI content generation is a simple and efficient process. You can put the power of creation in the hands of your SMEs, and generate comprehensive, accurate material. AI video can be generated from just a simple script and transformed into an engaging, well-produced, and effective video.

ZNGLY handles all of the tricky stuff - publishing, organising, and tracking. All you need to do is create the content!

The sharing

ZNGLY has comprehensive listing and organisation tools. These tools make it easy for you to categorise, tag and structure your training material effectively. ZNGLY enables you to create a well-organised repository of content, sorted by topics, subjects, or any other relevant classification, allowing for a smooth navigation experience. And with our ‘List & Link’ API, you don’t need to copy and move big media files - we ‘play the content where it lies’.

The tracking

Zngly has powerful analytics tools, enabling you to view who sees what on your learning centre, and see what training content is viewed most and viewed least. These analytics track everything with timestamps in simple-to-navigate dashboards, letting businesses gain thorough insights into their learning centre.

What are the benefits

• Reduced cost and time - take existing pdfs, decks and demos and bring them to life

AI content generation gives you the ability to create engaging content simply and efficiently, even from pre-existing assets. Turn a pdf into an audiobook, or turn an article into a fully produced video. Utilising AI content generation for training & tutorials greatly aids the time to produce and cost of production. 

These qualities lend well to training and tutorial content, giving quality videos that are interesting to watch and engage with, raising information retention rates and increasing the efficiency of your user base. ZNGLY’s platform allows this quality content to be housed all in one place for ease of access and navigation.

• Support Self-learning - user-driven, asynchronous, remote

This technology and media are specifically designed to support the modern work environment - self-learning, user-driven, asynchronous and remote. Efficient onboarding and training are critical for the success of business. Tutorials delivered via video provide a structured approach with higher information retention scores. 

By leveraging tutorials and the ZNGLY platform, businesses can reduce the time and resources required for training while ensuring consistent and standardised information delivery.

Furthermore, tutorials can serve as a valuable resource for ongoing training and professional development - supporting an always-learning culture. They can be utilised to upskill users, keeping them up-to-date with product changes and updates. By providing access to these self-learn tutorials, businesses can empower their users to take ownership of their learning journey and pursue continuous improvement.

• Easy to manage and refresh - rollouts and updates

When you are rolling out new releases of your product, upgrade and refreshes - easy to update and produce new training material with AI. Keeping your user group and / or internal audiences informed and trained.

ZNGLY’s platform is easy to use, manage, and update with new product rollouts.

In the fast-paced business environment, products change, and ZNGLY can help ensure that nobody is left behind from these changes.

• Consistency of material and experience across different subjects and modules

Utilising AI-generated content and structured learning centres allows businesses to create a consistent environment for user learning. This consistent environment creates a seamless learning experience. Every user is delivered the same clear and effective training, allowing everyone to be on the same page for every piece of information.

The structured nature of ZNGLY’s platform enables workflows to be flexible yet concise. Every piece of content for every subject, topic, and module, feels cohesive and standardised.

• Data - know what’s working, progress, and who is understanding

ZNGLY is a content-driven platform with data at the heart of our solution. The ZNGLY platform provides users with detailed analytics, enabling you to maximise your learning centre and its users.

These analytics tools track everything, allowing you to see who views what content and for how long, showing you their user journey through your learning centre. This data is vital for maximising your learning centre, seeing who needs to be trained on what content and who has the most thorough understanding of your product. 

To Wrap Up

Tutorials are an invaluable asset for businesses seeking growth and success.

1️⃣Training isn’t a challenge - it’s an opportunity - the days of static web pages. PDFs and dull webinar overviews are over

2️⃣These tools, techniques and harnessing AI means you can achieve continuous learning, empowering your customers and colleagues

3️⃣Keeping pace with the rate and scale of development and change 

Tutorials are an invaluable asset for businesses seeking growth and success. They enable users to enhance their skills and knowledge, and streamline onboarding and training processes. In today's rapidly changing business landscape, embracing tutorials as a learning and development strategy can give a competitive edge. By investing in tutorials, organisations can cultivate continuous learning, empowering users, and driving long-term success. So, let the power of tutorials unlock your business's true potential.

To Find Out More - Useful Links

To find out more about our ZNGLY platform, visit us over here

If The Statistics

How Analytics Supercharge Business

Welcome to our special report on analytics

Have you ever wondered if a PDF you emailed to a client was opened and read? If the recipient forwarded it to a colleague - even to a competitor? Do you want to know what customers really do with your web content, in a simple straight forward report? 

In today's digital age, where information is overwhelming and customer engagement is crucial, understanding how users interact with your content, platforms, and sales cycles has become more important than ever. 

Analytics are the key to seeing this truth in your data. Allowing you to gain more insights on customer behaviour, how customers are relating to your offering and sales teams, and how your content is performing. 

Powerful analytics tools are vital for a company to grow, and ZNGLY offers a comprehensive suite of analytics tools to help your business succeed.

What Is It - An Overview of Analytics

Analytics tools allow you to track and monitor the data surrounding content, such as interactions and traffic.

Analytics tools allow you to track and monitor the data surrounding content, such as interactions and traffic. This information helps businesses make data-driven decisions to optimise their content strategy and improve marketing campaigns.

Our analytics suite, called Zngalytics, are the key to seeing this truth in your data. Zngalytics allow you to gain more insights on customer behaviour, how customers are relating to your offering and sales teams, and how your content is performing. 

Powerful analytics tools are vital for a company to grow, and ZNGLY offers a comprehensive suite of analytics tools to help your business succeed.

Why Is It Important - How Informed Do You Want Your Decisions to Be?

With Zngalytics, you have…

  • Better control over the sales process. Know what works and what doesn’t, in real-time, so you can optimise your sales cycle and convert leads into buyers. 
  • Really understand your customer’s needs and who your message is for, you don’t need to shout when people want to listen. 
  • Analytics lets you see what channels are performing, ensuring that your investments are focused on the most promising avenues and delivering the highest ROI.

McKinsey reported in 2022 that “Companies that are using data-driven B2B sales-growth engines report above-market growth and EBITDA increases in the range of 15 to 25 percent.” They also reported that data-driven companies are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times as likely to retain customers and 19 times more likely to be profitable!

How Does It Work - Insights You Can Trust, Data You Can Action.

At ZNGLY we track everything, from every click, view and download - right down to how long it was between media interactions. 

  • All of this is logged in real-time, and to ensure that this wealth of data is easily accessible and actionable. Our easy-to-use dashboards are specifically designed for sales and marketing teams.
  • We integrate this data with CRM platforms such as HubSpot and SalesForce, to give a deeper insight into your data and customers.
  • Sales and marketing professionals can easily navigate and analyse this data, identify trends, and extract meaningful insights. 

What are the benefits - Sell More & Market Better!

For marketing, tracking is essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of customer behaviour and engagement. By monitoring every click, view, download, and engagement, businesses can analyse the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.  

  • Tracking inbound and outbound interactions across websites and platforms such as LinkedIn and HubSpot newsletters provides valuable insights into the performance of different channels and campaigns. 
  • This data allows marketers to assess which strategies and channels generate the most engagement and conversions. 
  • By identifying high-performing tactics, marketing teams can optimise their campaigns, refine targeting, and allocate resources more effectively, ultimately driving better results.


For sales teams, tracking provides valuable intelligence about prospects and their engagement with sales materials. 

  • Know when a target prospect opens a PDF, or how much of a video they watched.
  • Knowing if they forwarded the content to colleagues or competitors, salespeople can gauge interest and identify hot leads.
  • Helping sales teams prioritise their follow-ups, tailor their messaging, and personalise their approach to increase the chances of closing deals. 
  • By understanding prospect engagement at a granular level, sales teams can also identify potential objections or areas of interest, enabling more effective and targeted conversations.


From a broader business perspective, tracking the performance of sales and marketing efforts is crucial for making informed strategic decisions. 

  • By collecting and analysing data related to sales and marketing performance, businesses can identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. 
  • These insights allow for better resource allocation, budget planning, and overall business strategy development. 
  • By tracking KPIs, businesses can measure the effectiveness of their sales and marketing initiatives, identify areas of success, and pinpoint areas that require adjustment or optimisation.

To Wrap Up - If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Value It!

What every business needs most is detailed and powerful analytics.

Zngalytics can bring value to your business - giving you insights you can act on - we call it data with purpose and meaning. 

For marketing and sales teams, ZNGLY can bring new products and campaigns to market much faster, with increased lead conversions. 

ZNGLY can help manage complex sales cycles and relationships with a personalised video for greater engagement. 

With real-time analytics, you can see what’s working, increasing return on investment in media spend and content.

To Find Out More - Useful Links

To find out more about our ZNGLY platform, visit us over here

People Buy From People

Importance of Building Relationships in the Sales Cycle

Welcome to our special report on Personalisation.

Have you wondered what your client really wants to hear? What’s catching their eye. If that PDF you sent was opened and read? Or if that email was forwarded on to others? We are all in an information overload. Are you drowning in document attachments, video and web links? Well no more! 

We know that your content and relationships with clients are critical. We want to make sure that the interactions you have with your leads are personal and impactful. 

The power of personalisation is nothing new. As far back as 2019, Gartner reported that companies that focus on personalised messaging have a 16% higher impact than those that don't. Fast forward to the post-pandemic world and McKinsey research found that on average companies can earn up to 40% more revenue from implementing personalisation. There is a clear link on how innovative B2B sales are following the trends and techniques in consumer selling.

At ZNGLY we have the tools to help you win.  We make sure that you get the most out of your connections and sales pitches. With ZNGLY you can manage multiple stakeholders and complex sales cycles. All while giving your recipients a really great user experience viewing and sharing your content. This Blog showcases the tools and techniques in our platform especially created for sales teams. 

What is it - Building Trust and Connection

Personalisation creates a genuine connection between businesses and their target audience.

Personalisation creates a genuine connection between businesses and their target audience. By addressing clients on an individual level, companies demonstrate that they understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. This understanding helps build trust and fosters a sense of loyalty. When customers feel seen and heard, they are more likely to engage with a brand, become buyers, and even become brand advocates. By personalising content, businesses can establish themselves as valued partners who genuinely care about their customers' success.

How does it work - What ZNGLY does

Curate a private list

Meet Znglists, a game changing approach to content curation. Sales teams use an official catalogue of content to create personal playlists of media for their targets – we call the Znglists! Znglists handle the complete range of media – videos, PDFs, news stories, podcasts, web links and more. You can list content that you’ve created, you can also add material from third party sources – even AI-generated content. By having all of this content into one catalogue, there’s one version of the truth – say goodbye to handling multiple versions – and no need for attachments – everything is sent as a smart link.

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Record a personal video message

Nothing beats saying hello. We live in a video communication age. You record a video message for that personal touch.  They enhance user engagement and create deeper relationships - they are also quick, and fun. 

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Send content in a slick email - no more attachments 

Say goodbye to attachments, scruffy web links, and cluttered emails! With ZNGLY your playlists, and video, are presented in a mobile friendly listing. All content is sent as smart links, working with, rather than against, customer firewalls and screening.

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Have your own personal Sales Page

And when your recipient views the content, it’s all displayed in the salesperson's own tailored web page, along with additional content, links and messaging that each salesperson controls - specific to them and their target audience.

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And everything is tracked in real-time

Data is the heart of ZNGLY. Every click, view, download - even email forwarding, is all captured in real-time and reported in our analytics suite. We even integrate with HubSpot, Salesforce and more. 

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Why is it important - Benefits for your Business

The customer experience is a key differentiating factor for businesses in today's competitive market.

Let’s hear from one of our users, Bruce Corcoran, a renowned executive and thought leader in the US retirements space: 

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"Personalization: The secret weapon that transforms engagement, ignites sales, and turns memories into unstoppable momentum. Personalized content has taken customer connections to new heights. By seamlessly integrating their memories and perceptions with fresh, captivating content, you create a comfortable and familiar space for engagement. This powerful approach has unlocked endless opportunities to captivate audiences with irresistibly tailored messaging and content, leaving them with no choice but to act. 

Personalization isn't just a strategy; it's the fuel that propels people, deals, pipelines and entire companies towards extraordinary success." 


To Wrap Up - The Importance for Your Business

In a world where clients need an engaging experience for them to buy, personalisation has become a game-changer for businesses. By tailoring content in sales pitches and marketing strategies, companies can build trust, enhance the customer experience, increase conversion rates, and maximise their marketing ROI. Embracing personalisation is no longer an option but a necessity in today's competitive landscape.

To Find Out More - Useful Links

To find out more about our ZNGLY platform, visit us over here

To see the fantastic work Bruce Corcoran is doing with Coherent, visit them over here

The Power of AI Generated Content

Hopefully this blog will inspire you to explore the power of AI for your work and for your playtime too!  AI solutions are a new, fresh, and fast paced technology. We share how easy it is to get it up and running and the benefits of implementing an AI content strategy for your business. 

We spotlight some great client work, with examples and use cases. It’s a fascinating technology that has so much room for growth, and the impact it has already had on art, tech, business and culture is astounding. And it’s only the beginning. 


In today's digital age, where attention spans are short and competition is fierce, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate their audience.

Let’s dive in – The Potential of AI Content Generation:

In today's digital age, where attention spans are short and competition is fierce, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate their audience. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the way we create and distribute content. It's no longer necessary to shout to be heard; if your content is engaging!

We can now harness the power of AI to create compelling and sharp content that resonates with your target audience and generates a buzz. We explore how AI-generated content is transforming the business landscape and providing new opportunities for success.


Unleashing the Power of Video

In the digital omnichannel arena we operate in – inbound, outbound, LinkedIn, newsletters and EDMs – it's an overwhelming number of venues to manage. Nothing is as eye-catching as video, it’s got the best SEO, the best conversion rates, and visitor retention – but it’s expensive and time consuming to create – not any more.

AI generated video content is a great alternative to traditional media. With AI video content generation, you achieve high production values for low production spending. 

Here’s some great examples and use cases of AI video avatars in action:

Tech Gateway uses AI video avatars to welcome visitors to their resource centre, and guide web traffic through their site and material. 
FINOS (The FinTech Open-Source Foundation of The Linux Foundation), uses this technology to promote their upcoming events. It’s a great way of signposting on LinkedIn and social media, getting promotional material out there quickly to their target audience. 

NextWave Consulting uses AI video avatars to promote the offerings from their technology  partnerships. This example is Genesis. It’s a great, slick, synopsis of the Genesis no-code / low-code solution and the benefits the platform brings. 


AI tools are more accessible than ever, offering a range of capabilities to suit your business needs.

So how do they do it? Utilising AI Tools:

First off, it’s easy! AI tools are more accessible than ever, offering a range of capabilities to suit your business needs. Writing tools like ChatGPT, video tools like Synthesia, and image tools like DALL-E enable your organisation to become more efficient and successful. Use these tools to empower your team to work at their best. 

With AI, you can create content swiftly, make a lasting impression, with a lower cost of production and consistent high production values. 

And ZNGLY was created for managing content at scale. Our platform  helps our clients take advantage of the power of AI generated content and work it seamlessly into their workflow. 


To Wrap Up - The Importance for Your Business

Whether it's a marketing team wanting to ‘stop the social scroll’ and capture leads or sales managing complex relationships and sales cycles, having smart content is crucial. If you are not using this as part of your marketing and sales strategy you are really missing out.

Just go create!


To Find Out More - Useful Links

Our core mission at ZNGLY is to find new ways and techniques for our clients to harness the power of communication to turbo charge their business. 

We would love to have a chat and demonstrate the power of our platform for you to sell more, and market better. 

If you would like to see our work at ZNGLY, you can check that out over here

For FINOS - you can check their work out here

For Tech Gateway - you can check their work out here

For NextWave - you can check their work out here